(function($){ jQuery.fn.autocomplete = function(options){ var defaults = { url: "http://gd.geobytes.com/AutoCompleteCity", dataType: 'jsonp', minChars: 3, request: 'q', type: 'GET', delay: 500 } options = $.extend(defaults, options); var autocomplete = function() { const KEYS = { UP: 38, DOWN: 40, ENTER: 13, ESC: 27 } var state = { selectedIndex: 0, data: null, minChars: options.minChars < 3 ? 3 : options.minChars, ajaxSettings: $.extend({}, $.ajaxSettings, { url: options.url, type: options.type, dataType: options.dataType }) } var _this = $(this); var container = _this.after('
'); var suggestions = container.parent().find('.autocomplete-suggestions'); var cache = {}; var timer; _this.on('keydown', function(e) { if (!state.data) return; var length = state.data.length - 1; switch (e.keyCode) { case KEYS.UP: return pressUpKey(state, length); case KEYS.DOWN: return pressDownKey(state, length); } }); _this.on('keyup', function(e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case KEYS.UP: return false; case KEYS.DOWN: return false; case KEYS.ENTER: return pressEnterKey(e); case KEYS.ESC: return pressEscKey(e); } if (_this.val().length < state.minChars) { clearSuggestions(); return; } mainChain(); }); function mainChain() { clearInterval(timer); timer = setTimeout(function() { autocompleteGetCityList() .then(autocompleteParseData) .then(autocompleteAddCache) .then(autocompleteRender) .then(autocompleteAddEventListeners) .fail(autocompleteError); }, options.delay); } function autocompleteGetCityList() { state.selectedIndex = 0; if (cache[_this.val()]) { return $.Deferred().resolve(cache[_this.val()]) } else { state.ajaxSettings = $.extend(state.ajaxSettings, { data: {[options.request]: _this.val()} }); return $.ajax(state.ajaxSettings) } } function autocompleteParseData(data) { if (typeof options.autocompleteTransformData === 'function') { state.data = options.autocompleteTransformData(data); } else { var regexp = RegExp(/(\w*)\,\s*\w*\,\s*(\w*)/g); state.data = data.map(el => el ? el.replace(regexp, '$1, $2') : '').filter(el => el ? true: false); } return state; } function autocompleteAddCache(data) { cache[_this.val()] = data.data; return data; } function autocompleteRender(state, selected) { if (state && state.data) { var html = ''; $.each(state.data, function (i, value) { html += `
`; }); suggestions .css('display', html ? 'block' : 'none') .empty() .append(html) } else { suggestions .children().removeClass('autocomplete-selected').end() .find(`[data-index="${selected}"]`).addClass('autocomplete-selected'); } } function autocompleteAddEventListeners() { suggestions .on('mousemove', '.autocomplete-suggestion', function(e) { state.selectedIndex = $(e.target).data('index'); autocompleteRender(null, state.selectedIndex); }) .on('click', '.autocomplete-suggestion', function(e) { _this.val($(e.target).text()); if (typeof options.autocompleteOnSelect === 'function') options.autocompleteOnSelect($(e.target).text()); }); } function autocompleteError(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log('error', textStatus, errorThrown); } function clearSuggestions() { state.selectedIndex = 0; state.data = null; suggestions.css('display', 'none'); } function pressEnterKey() { var selectedText = _this.parent().find('.autocomplete-selected').text() || _this.val().trim() || ''; _this.val(selectedText); if (selectedText && typeof options.autocompleteOnSelect === 'function') options.autocompleteOnSelect(selectedText); return false; } function pressEscKey() { _this.val(''); clearSuggestions(); return false; } function pressUpKey(state, length) { state.selectedIndex > 0 ? state.selectedIndex-- : state.selectedIndex = length; autocompleteRender(null, state.selectedIndex); return false; } function pressDownKey(state, length) { state.selectedIndex < length ? state.selectedIndex++ : state.selectedIndex = 0; autocompleteRender(null, state.selectedIndex); return false; } } return this.each(autocomplete); }; })(jQuery);live casino with low minimum deposit video game mines 1win slot sky bounty tk999 sportsbook reviews bonus buy games raiders of the lost book slot raiders of the lost book bonus buy games brick snake 2000 video game home of hockey european roulette pro soccer betting prediction sites live casino real time action slot kenneth must die live casino roulette bonus buy games hyper blitz hold and win slot king of the party bonus buy games book of wizardry vegas moose mobile friendly casino slot power of sun svarog halloween edition how to win at sports betting casino rewards mc casino game rtp vegas moose live blackjack slot 200 perak login drill that gold video game colors live casino hotel room deals OK sport